Fly2globe | Flight Etiquette 101: Dos and Don'ts of India to USA Flights

Flight Etiquette 101: Dos and Don'ts of India to USA Flights

Retail, Security
20 Apr, 2024
Mike Dooley
Comments: 2


Flying from India to the USA can be an exciting journey, but it's essential to remember that proper flight etiquette can make the experience more enjoyable for everyone on board. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or flying for the first time, knowing the dos and don'ts of flight etiquette can help ensure a smooth and pleasant journey for yourself and your fellow passengers.

Dos of Flight Etiquette

1. Arrive Early

Arriving early at the airport ensures that you have enough time to check-in, go through security, and board the flight without feeling rushed. Aim to arrive at least two to three hours before your scheduled departure time.

2. Respect Personal Space

While space may be limited on flights, it's essential to respect the personal space of your fellow passengers. Avoid leaning back abruptly in your seat, hogging the armrests, or encroaching on your neighbor's space.

3. Follow Cabin Crew Instructions

Listen to and follow the instructions of the cabin crew at all times. They are trained to ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers, so it's important to cooperate with them during the flight.

4. Use Headphones

If you plan to listen to music, watch movies, or play games on your electronic devices, be sure to use headphones. This will prevent disturbing your fellow passengers with noise from your devices.

5. Practice Good Hygiene

Maintain good hygiene throughout the flight by washing your hands regularly and using hand sanitizer. If you need to cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue or your elbow to prevent spreading germs.

Don'ts of Flight Etiquette

1. Recline Your Seat During Meal Times

Avoid reclining your seat during meal times, as it can make it difficult for the person behind you to eat comfortably. If you do need to recline your seat, be sure to do so gradually and only when the meal service is not in progress.

2. Talk Loudly

Avoid talking loudly or engaging in disruptive behavior that may disturb your fellow passengers. Keep conversations with travel companions at a reasonable volume and be mindful of noise levels, especially during overnight flights.

3. Hog Overhead Bin Space

Be considerate when using the overhead bin space and only stow items that you will need during the flight. Avoid hogging overhead bin space by taking up more than your fair share or placing small items in large overhead compartments.

4. Get Up Repeatedly During the Flight

While it's essential to stay hydrated and stretch your legs during a long flight, try to minimize getting up repeatedly from your seat. If you do need to get up, be mindful of your fellow passengers and avoid disturbing them unnecessarily.

5. Ignore Safety Instructions

Pay attention to the safety instructions provided by the cabin crew and familiarize yourself with the location of emergency exits and safety equipment. Ignoring safety instructions or tampering with safety equipment puts yourself and others at risk.


By following these dos and don'ts of flight etiquette, you can ensure a pleasant and comfortable journey from India to the USA. Remember to be considerate of your fellow passengers, respect personal space, and follow the instructions of the cabin crew at all times. Safe travels!